Thursday, May 22, 2008

FRAC - Hunger in the U.S.

FRAC - Hunger in the U.S.

World Hunger Notes--You Can!...Learn More About Hunger

World Hunger Notes--You Can!...Learn More About Hunger

Click to Give @ The Hunger Site

Click to Give @ The Hunger Site

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The World today

Well lets get started.

Technology in are World today. We have advanced to the point. Where Any thing is possible. We have cell phones.

That can not only make calls. They can take pictures. Make movies. Play music. Watch movies that you can down load from the Internet. You can surf the web. Get directions. Check the stock market. Get the news. Change your ring tones. Play games. And so much more.

Who would have thought. That a person could. Make a phone call. Ask grand ma if she wanted a picture. Of you standing in front of the Washington monument . Then you could send it to her. in minutes. Or you could go to walmart. Or sum picture place. That has a picture machine and you could "blue tooth" "send" .your pictures to the machine.

From your phone. Where you then can. Make prints. Make a picture CD. That you can play on your DVD player. Or you can hook your computer. And do all these things your self.

I can remember. When you took film. "That's the stuff pictures where on in the old days" To k-mart. And if you got them back in a couple of days that was good. Or you could get a Polaroid. now that was technology.

We now have cars that you can talk to. You can tell it to make a call. Turn on the radio. Ask it for directions. If you loose your keys. You can call your car and ask it to unlock your doors for you. "I no its some one at on star" Your car can even call in when it needs repair.

Your home can even be controlled by a computer. Your stove. Refrigerator. Dish washer. Lights. Stereo. TV. And so on.

Just think about it you can tell to your car. To call your house. And tell your stove to start dinner. That is if you have one of those stoves that is a fridge combined. It can tell the house to turn on the lights. And turn up the heat. And put on your favorite show. "wow" beam me up Scottie"

Well i am going to make a point. If we can have all these nice toys. Then why is it that we don't have the things that we really need. What do we need you ask. How about a scanner. That a person could walk through and get a full body scan. One scan could cost about the same as a cell phone bill. How about a machine that you put your hand in. It could pinch a little blood and check you for every thing. OK so we don't have that right now. But if the people that ran the MRI. X-ray. Blood tests. And so on. If they did it like a smart business. First you could lower the price of one of thees test. Then you could send every one to get tested. This could prevent a lot of symptoms from getting worse. All so it could help doctors to give the right medicine the first time. I don't no how often i went to a doctor. And he would guess at what the problem might be. So he would give me this pill that pill. Until he found something that helped a little.

I don't no about every one else. But i don't like trial and error with my health.

This would also save money for the insurance companies. By not paying for false diagnosis or just guess work. Ask your self how often have you gone to the doctor. And he really didn't find out what was wrong with you. If you took your car in to a mechanic. And he changed your brakes. When you needed a tune up. You would say that's not what the problem was. And i am not paying you for that.
well until next week. Thank you for your time. please leave your comments and thoughts.

sincerely derold.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The World today
we are in pretty bad shape in this world to day. pros and cons. in the old days a person made a days wage for a days work.In these days a person makes a days wage for a weeks work.I can remember when i was sixteen i was just getting in to the work force as a laborer and i made about ten dollars an hour. that was about thirty years ago. a new car sold for about 3000 to 5000 dollars gas was about 50 cents a gallon and today most people that work an average job make about 8 dollars an hour. Sure technology has helped us a lot but most people have been left behind in the work force with no way to advance to the next level.Of are technical evaluation. In the old days if you were sick a doctor would come to your house. And you would pay what ever you could. Or trade a chicken or sum kind of service. Now you have to give him your house and pay for the rest of your life or just die. This is pretty sad for today's world when we have so much technology to cure just about Any thing and yet we still have so many sick people. HUNGER why is there so much hunger in the world. if we put all the farmers back to work instead of the government paying them not to grow. This makes no sense to me.
well i have just started this blog and i just wanted to give an over view about what i have to say on my next post i will give sum answers to thees problems and more. Thank you Derold
The World Bank

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